Balancing selection on MHC class I in wild brown trout Salmo trutta

Autor: O Farrell, B., Dennis, C., Benzie, J. A., McGinnity, P., Carlsson, J., De Eyto, E., Coughlan, J., Igoe, F., Meehan, R., Cross, T.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: Evidence is reported for balancing selection acting on variation at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in wild populations of brown trout Salmo trutta. First, variation at an MHC class I (satr-uba)–linked microsatellite locus (mhc1) is retained in small S. trutta populations isolated above waterfalls although variation is lost at neutral microsatellite markers. Second, populations across several catchments are less differentiated at mhc1 than at neutral markers, as predicted by theory. The population structure of these fish was also elucidated.
HEA PRTLI Cycle 3; Beaufort Marine Research Award: Fish population genetics. Irish Government NDP (2007-2014) administered by the Marine Institute; Inland Fisheries Ireland; Science Foundation Ireland (Microbial Phylogeography 05/FE1/B882)
Databáze: OpenAIRE