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This bachelor final thesis deals with the plans of the possible excursions for the secondary school students. There are basically three aims of the theoretical part. They are: to describe organisation forms of education; to define an excursion as one of the particular forms of education and to describe the ways of its use during the vocational training at the secondary school. Didactic rules and methods of organising excursions are specified there too. The methods which I used for processing the theoretical part are: studying the special resources; making the excerpts and their analysis and synthesis. The aim of the practical part is to suggest excursions for the secondary school students (Střední škola obchodní a služeb SČMSD, Žďár nad Sázavou s.r.o.) the branch of Sports and Reconditioning masseur. The proposals of excursions, is based on the interests among the second- grade students who were addressed. The questionnaire was used as a form of research among them. |