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Title of bachelor thesis: Comparison of level of motoric abilities of children in the period prepubescence with and without sports specialization Author: David Štechmüller Supervisior: Mgr. Jan Krégl Aim: The aim of bachelor thesis is to determine the average improvement and total performance of the testing group of ice hockey players in comparison with children from two selected primary schools in the test battery unifittest (6-60) during two testing periods. Methods: Comparison of both groups and their subsequent assessment on average. The research method of this bachelor thesis was used observing - measuring. Testig took place with children born in 2011/2012 (U6-U7). The unifittest battery (6-60) was selected to measure performances. Results: In this thesis was detected that nobody from the group of ice hockey players got to below-average values and lower in any test battery discipline. The overwhelming majority (94%) got to more than average values of testing in the final testing. By way of contrast, children from primary schools didn't achieve such an improvement and their performances had mostly average values all the time of measuring. Keywords: Unifittest, motoric abilities, speed, skilfulness, endurence, power, younger school age, prepubescence |