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Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav pro pravěk a ranou dobu dějinnou Historické vědy - pravěká a raně středověká archeologie Martina K o t k o v á Kulturněhistorický obraz severozápadních Čech a saského Polabí v raném středověku: na příkladě hrnčířství a fortifikačního stavitelství Cultural-historic development in the north-western Bohemia and Saxon-Elbe valley in Early Middle Ages: case studies from ceramics production and fortification architecture Disertační práce vedoucí práce - Prof. PhDr. Jiří Sláma, CSc. 2012 Abstract The thesis deals with the comparison of early medieval archaeological material from both sides of the Ore Mountains, in north-western Bohemia and Saxony (Saxon Elbe valley) respectively. Main period of interest is from 9th to 10th century. In the part that deals with the early medieval ceramics, the emphasis is put firstly on the evaluation of current state of the art and then on interpretation of new mineralogical- petrographic and geochemical analyses of the ceramics known as the Zabrušany type. For the detailed study there were selected 45 fragments of this ceramic type from 5 Saxon and 3 Bohemian sites. Unfortunately, it is not possible to recover the origin of the vessels, which are quite uniform in their appearance, basing solely on a comparison of their... |