The transition from IBORs to new benchmarks

Autor: Ratajová, Kateřina
Přispěvatelé: Polák, Petr, Čech, František
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The manipulation of LIBOR (London Interbank O ered Rate) and other issues around the interbank o er rates have led to their replacement by overnight rates. Some interbank o ered rates ceased at the end of 2021. Thus, this thesis is devoted to observing their behavior, estimating their drivers, and comparing them. For analysis of the rates' drivers is used ARIMAX model, which is an ARIMA model extended by exogenous variables. The possible drivers are indexes, which indicate volatility, sensibility, financial stress, and liquidity. Among key findings of this thesis are that the European IBOR rates are more prone to market volatility, which explains the impact of the European stock index. Furthermore, Bloomberg's indexes of financial condition are a good indicator for both European IBOR rates as well as British pound LIBOR and SONIA. In the US, USD LIBOR reacts to a liquidity index, while SOFR to the volatility in the market. JEL Classification F33, F37, G15, G2 Keywords interbank rates, transition, financial conditions index, LIBOR Title The transition from IBORs to new benchmarks
Databáze: OpenAIRE