Physical eligibility of applicants for admission to the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic and the Police of the Czech Republic

Autor: ELIÁŠOVÁ, Kristýna
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The aim of this work was to assess and evaluate the results of the physical ability of the applicants in the tests for the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as FRS CR) and the Police of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Police). Another goal was to compare the success rate of the physical tests for the FRS CR and the Police. In the theoretical part I analyzed what the whole admission procedure is composed of and what the conditions for admission to the security services are. There are detailed dispositions and conditions of the disciplines for the two tests. To compare the difficulty of the tests in our country and abroad, part of this work is dedicated to the USA disciplines. A form of qualitative research was chosen for the practical part of this work. This research is based on the accomplishment of the individual tests. In order to answer the research question, "What is the success rate of managing physical tests for admission to the employment?" I chose the form of accomplishing the individual disciplines with eleven men up to 21 years of age, who are physically active at least twice a week. These tests were divided into the endurance and strength tests, which we performed at the professional sports facilities as it would be in normal admissions. I evaluated the results according to the tables of the individual security corps legislation. The results have proved that the tests for the FRS CR are more difficult than for the Police of the Czech Republic. I rate the success rate in the tests for the FRS in a negative way, as only 23% of the respondents succeeded. The success rate for the Police tests was higher, in which 64% of the respondents completed the tests successfully. The results of these men also show that the physical ability of current younger generation is at a bad level and people should work on their physical fitness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE