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Title: The analysis of the preparation period in ice hockey players over 33 years of age Objectives: The main goal of the thesis was to analyze the development of the explosive strength and power in ice hockey players of 33 years of age during the preparation period. The diploma thesis summarizes the theoretical background of the chosen topic expanding it to the specific player groups. Additional goals of the empirical part included longitudinal analysis perpetrating to the results of the output motor tests, analysis of the effectivity of an intervention training plan applicable during the preparation period, evaluating output and input results of the motor test. Further goals integrated the comparisons of different level ice hockey players and the specifics of their preparation periods. Methods: The study included 3 participants, who contributed to the longitudinal study, which evaluated their motor skills and further participated in the experimental intervention training plan. The analysis of the explosive strength and power used standardized battery of measures. This battery included long jump, five two-footed jump, throw with a heavy ball (3kg) with an overstep and the back side of the thigh strength standing and sitting. The length was measured using the standard SI metric system. The current... |