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The MA thesis briefly describes the history of the Vatican Council II and analyses the reaction of Czechoslovakian press to the Vatican Council II. The theoretical part aims at outlining the history, the course, the results and the importance of the Vatican Council II for the Catholic Church and also for the whole world. The theoretical opening is then reflected in the practical part of the MA thesis. It helps the reader to understand the issue. The theoretical opening pays attention to some important life moments of Pope John XXIII., ``the Council Maker{\crqq}. It focuses on the council idea, the definition of the council goals and setup time work before the council. It follows clarification of some organization issues during the council. It mentions its rule of procedure description. Another part of the theoretical part contains the development of all the council meetings and their results. There is also a list of council documents and evaluation of the Vatican Council II´s importance at the end of the theoretical part. The practical part of the MA thesis contains analysis of newspaper articles, namely from the Rudé právo and the Lidová demokracie dailies, covering the Vatican Council II. The monitored issues were: the space dedicated by the above dailies to the Council, the richness, content variety and balance of the coverage. The aim of the practical part and the MA thesis as a whole was the content analysis of the two 1960s daily newspapers and their reaction to the development and the result of the Council. It also contains content analysis comparison of these two newspapers and also identification of the extent of difference in objectivity and the ideological pressure on the news. |