The specifics of nursing care for a child with meningococcal infection

Autor: DRAXLEROVÁ, Ivona
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Current status: Research survey besides nursing care problems at the children with meningococcal infection devotes also important fields as illness pathogenesis, diagnostician, diagnostician or prophylaxis. The meningococcal infection is serious, life endangering illness. The symptoms can arise from rich health and the death can come during couple hours. The meningococcal infection complications can be bleeding into skin with subsequent necrosises. Further dangerous complication is the brain swelling, circulatory and subsequent multiorgans failure. The newborns up to four years old and adolescent rank among the danger age group. For the reason of frequent disability of the children with the meningococcal infection has been just this bachelor´s work focused on this age group. The work purpose is to evaluate the nurses knowledge in the nursing care field at the children with meningococcal infection and understanding which refer to meningococcal illness problems. This problems understandings were also assessed at the parents of healthy children. Methodology: The qualitative research method was chosen for the research survey. The data collection was arranged by means of non-standardized talk with the nurses and parents. The talks were with polled approval audio recorded, re-written, coded by method of "pencil and paper" and subsequently categorized. We used the technique of "cards presentation" for the results interpretation. The research sample was created by nurses and healthy children parents. The first research group was presented by four nurses from the intensive and resusciatation care of the children ward and three nurses working on the infectious ward with the children patients. The second research group was intentional and its size was put by theoretical data saturation. The research survey results showed the fact that nurses have corresponding knowledge of the nursing care problems at the children with meningococcal infection just as safety measures which are needed to kept during care of the infected ill child. Further, they are well skilled in urgent states companying this illness and are able to act quickly and properly. The nurses knowledge concerning this illness is also sufficient. The nurses working in the infectious ward in comparison with nurses from the intensive and resusciatation care of the children ward specified less nursing care. However, all nurses knowledge in this problems field was sufficient. The parents awareness about meningococcal illness is average. The research survey revealed the parents insufficient awareness about this serious illness. The rich meningococcal knowledge was recorded at the parents having some own experience with this disease or its danger. Conclusions and recommendations for practice: The children meningococcal infection doesn´t rank among frequently occurring illnesses. For all that, the nurses dispose of good skills about this problems, which can be utilised subsequently in their practices. For the reason of quick illness progress the parents basic knowledge is also very important. The parents awareness is not sufficient. The educational brochure for uninitiated public was created for the utilisation of this bachelor´s work in practice, more precisely for parents. The material contains the brief description of the illness, including pathogenesis. The illness symptoms and vaccination possibility are the significant characters of brochure.
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