Vliv hydrotermické úpravy na vybrané vlastnosti lisovaného dřeva

Autor: Jacko, Ondřej
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of hydrothermal treatment on selected properties of compressed wood of plantation poplar and larch. There were examined the properties of wood which was hydrothermally modified in a saturated steam environment at 90 ° C. Dimensional stability, density and bending strength were among the properties studied. Dimensional stability was investigated in 4th cycles of soaking in water and subsequent drying. The dimensional stability was guaranteed for compressed specimens that had been steamed for 10 days. By boiling wood in water in the 4th cycle it has been shown that larch is more dimensionally stable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE