Nursing questions of eyes injuries

Autor: JEŘÁBKOVÁ, Petra
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: Eye injuries are a very topical theme all the time despite the fact that the market offers a large number of protective means for work, sports and other activities. Besides, patients often come for treatment when complications arise, and then it happens that it is no more possible to save the patient{\crq}s eyesight. In this bachelor thesis we therefore focused on the work of nurses in ophthalmology departments or ambulances, which play a major role in the care of patients with an eye injury. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first one, the theoretical part, we tried to present the most frequent eye injuries and the work of the nurse as the nurse and educator. It contains, at the same time, some interesting facts for those patients who have lost the ability of sharp eyesight right after an eye injury, principles of communication with a blind person for nurses, and information on prevention and first aid in the event of an eye injury etc. The second part of the thesis deals with research. The investigation was conducted in several ophthalmology departments - the České Budějovice Hospital and Havlíčkův Brod Hospital and in the ambulances of practical eye physicians, by means of a questionnaire concerning patients and nurses. All questionnaires were completely anonymous. The objective of the thesis was to find out the knowledge of the patients who have suffered an eye injury about administering first aid and to find out the content of nurses{\crq} education with patients with a repeated eye injury. The thesis contains several hypotheses that were to be answered by questionnaires. The objectives of the thesis were met and four hypotheses were confirmed, on the basis of investigations. Solely Hypothesis 1 was not quite confirmed. The results of the investigation and the entire thesis may serve as a quality indicator of the nursing care of patients who have suffered an eye injury, may be an instruction for nurses working in ophthalmology sections on how to proceed in the event of education of such a patient, and as material for tuition of students at the Faculty of Medical and Social Studies.
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