Kritická místa ve výuce zeměpisu na 2. stupni základní školy

Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The diploma thesis deals with the issue of critical points in teaching geography at primary schools. The issue of critical point sis being solved within the ´Innovation of Teacher Preparation for Teaching Practice´ project. First, a survey was carried out among higher primary geography teachers. Having evaluated the surveys, the following critical points in teaching geography were detected, working with an atlas, determining geographical location, and time line issue. These topics were also chosen to make up methodological steps. In the first didactic case study, dedicated to working with an atlas and determining geographical location, methodological steps were worked out offering teachers the option to implement their work with an atlas within their geography lessons. Another objective was to show to the students how to use an atlas when searching for information and how to use the data efficiently. To overcome a critical point, stabilizing and consolidating acquired knowledge was necessary, not only on the students´ side, but also on the teachers´ side. In the final phase, the students are able to use the atlas´s potential to solve given assignments and work with it not depending on the teacher who offers them the space for research and is trying to implement working with it into the lessons actively. In the second case study, devoted to the topic of Time on Earth, the objective was to simplify the issue of international data line and offer the teachers alterations leading to a better overcoming of this critical point. Another point this case study deals with is a general diversification of teaching using other alterations devoted to the flow of time on Earth.
Databáze: OpenAIRE