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The thesis researches three dietary supplements - chromium, colostrum and taurine. The object is to show the importance of these three supplements for sports diet and for medical purposes as well. Trivalent chromium is an essential element, active form of which significantly participates in carbohydrate metabolism by enhancing the ability of insulin to distribute carbohydrates into target cells. Recommended daily intake has been set at 25 - 45 μg. Studies have confirmed that chromium significantly increases the activity of insulin and promotes glucose tolerance, which makes it an essential element for people, who suffer from diabetes mellitus type II. According to accessible studies, chromium doesn't play an important role in muscle building. Only a half of the studies have indicated chromium as an influental element in body weight reduction. Colostrum, a form of milk produced by mammary glands just after giving birth, is rich in growth factors, amino-acids and bioactive protein. Colostrum is appreciated mainly for its immune system - supporting elements. Its recommended daily amount is between 20 and 60 grams. Although colostrum is rich in growth factor IGF-I, its influence on muscle growth has not been proven. Positive finding is the fact, that colostrum promotes post- exercise recovery. Some... |