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Title: The impact of Covid-19 pandemy on the sport motivation in para swimmers Objectives: The aim of the study is to search for the existence of changes in the level of sport motivation in a group of para swimmers as a result of the pandemic crisis in the Czech Republic. Methods: The object of the research is to evaluate the data of a repeatedly submitted standardised Sport Motivation Scale questionnaire to a research cohort of 22 disabled para swimmers aged 19 to 48 years (as of 2021). Then a comparison of this assessment with the responses obtained through a structured interview conducted at the end of the research survey in August 2021 has been developed. Graphical processing and an appropriate form of t-test is used to investigate differences in motivation levels. Results: Although the statistical analysis of the data of the whole group did not show a significant difference between the two studied time periods, nor between men and women, a change in the level of intrinsic motivation to know was observed in the group of men studied separately. Furthermore, a correlation of intrinsic motivation to experience with age was found. When comparing these results with a set of descriptions of the respondent's subjective feelings, the answers to the scientific research questions are not entirely clear.... |