The Helsinki process and it's impact on the regime oposition in GDR and ČSSR

Autor: Jeřábková, Anna
Přispěvatelé: Nigrin, Tomáš, Kučera, Jaroslav
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: This bachelor thesis deals with the opposition movement in the former Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic and the German Democratic Republic and aims at their comparison after signing the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe. This Helsinki Accords committed both states to the observance of human rights. In the first part of the thesis the approaches of different authors to use the term of opposition and dissent are defined. The second part primarily outlines the international situation after the World War II and mentions the need for a European Security Conference, which after all led to the CSCE. In the third part, the opposition movements in both states are presented, and it is investigated how the situation of the opposition in both countries was influenced by the Helsinki process. The Charter 77 was quickly formed in Czechoslovakia. It referred to the commitments made in the Helsinki Final Act in its statement. The development was slower in the GDR. There was a stable opposition from the circle of the Evangelical Church, and mainly addressed was the peace question. The Human Rights Movement was inspired by the Czechoslovak Charter 77 and it began to emerge only in the second half of the eighties. This indicates that the development of the opposition movement...
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