Barriers and Opportunities of Strategic Governance in Higher Education in West Africa: The Case of Senegal

Autor: Ndiaye, Sokhna Adele Rosalie
Přispěvatelé: Potůček, Martin, Vlk, Aleš, GUEYE, Serigne Magueye
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: References NDIAYE, Sokhna, A. R. Barriers And Opportunities Of Strategic Governance In Higher Education In West Africa: The Case Of Senegal. Praha, 2022. 212 pages. Dissertation thesis (PhD.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociological Studies. Department of Public and Social Policy. Supervisor Prof. PhDr. Martin Potůček, CSc., M.Sc. Abstract This dissertation project presents an analysis of the higher education system in Senegal. Indeed, the past three decades of higher education have been marked by a growing instability of the system manifested mainly in access and quality issues. Despite the different programs and policies elaborated and implemented, these problems only persist. As such, I attempt to answer the main questions: What are the most essential factors for the unsuccessful implementation of significant Higher Education policies in Senegal? In which ways could strategic governance be improved to remedy the current pitfalls of the system? By extension, I propose as a potential solution the rethinking of the governance approach to higher education by studying the barriers and opportunities of strategic governance in higher education in Senegal. This study is based on both qualitative and quantitative data analysis aiming to understand the considered problems through...
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