Quality of Senior´s Life in Residential Facilities of Social Services

Autor: MATLASOVÁ, Kateřina
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: Today´s society starts to be intensively interested in life in general and old people´s quality of life, therefore I decided to focus this diploma thesis on seniors´ quality of life in social service facilities. The given goals were to map and assess the quality of seniors? life in chosen social service facilities in a former Jindřichův Hradec district, to compare the quality of seniors´ life in three facilities of the same social services in the frame of the former Jindřichův Hradec district and also to compare the seniors´ quality of life in different social service facilities. The research of this work was made due to a qualitative form. A semi-standardized (semi-controlled) interview survey method and a qualitative observation method, which was used to get the assumed goals of the whole work, were used. To get the aims I used an interview method which was done in Senior Apartment in Jindřichův Hradec, České Velenice and Budíškovice as well as in an apartment with day care in Jindřichův Hradec. It was also used a scale questionnaire called WHO DAS II as a complementary technique in all the social service facilities. The following hypotheses were made out in keeping with the given goals of this diploma thesis. The first hypothesis ? the more social active actions were offered in the frame of provided social services, the higher is the users´ quality of life of this service. The second hypothesis ? users of this service have higher quality of life in the district town than users of this service provided in a municipality with inhabitants less than 10 000. The third hypothesis ? users? quality of life in day care facilities is higher than users´ quality of life of a senior apartment. The given hypotheses were confirmed. We can say old people´s quality of life has been improved in the comparison with last years. I would recommend solving this problem with good communication and feedback which is necessary to find out how seniors are satisfied with services in facilities. It is also very important to keep each client´s private which leads to the feeling of certainty and safeness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE