Current situation and the prerequisities for new products in tourism in DSMO Mikroregion Venkov area

Autor: JAREŠOVÁ, Jiřina
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: The purpose of this bachelor work is the analysis of the present state and prerequisites of the creation of the new products in the tourist trade segment in DSMO Mikroregion Venkov area. The region disposes enough primary offer in the tourist trade segment and mainly in the historic cultural segments and the beauties of nature. All these allow the tourist wide spectrum of the trips to the surround area, mainly one-day trips. We can anticipate, that a product {\clqq}Za krásami DSMO Mikroregionu Venkov {--} vybraná část {--} okolí Chýnova směr přírodní park Polánka`` my help to increase the visit rate of the region. In my opinion we can say, that the region we are describing in my work is very attractive locality for the development of the tourist trade, because of the analysis of the information from different information sources and also the dates from personal appointments. There is a high potential, which one if good used, my essentially influence the level of the tourist trade in the current region. After the conclusion of my personal appointments and interviews with visitors of the current region is the area valuated very positively and it is important impulsion for the development and improvement of the touristic trade.
Databáze: OpenAIRE