EU linguistic regime in practise: comparison of availability of documents in Czech, Spanish and English language on the website of the Eurofound

Autor: HÁBROVÁ, Zuzana
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The theme of this bachelor thesis is: EU linguistic regime in practise: comparison of availability of documents in Czech, Spanish and English language on the website of the Eurofound. This work contains both theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part there is a description of institutional framework of the EU, including a brief description of individual authorities and some institutions and closer introduction of agencies. Then follows a description of a particular agency, Eurofound foundation and introduction of policy of multilingualism and linguistic regime of the EU. Practical part contains an analysis of three linguistic versions of official websites of the Eurofound foundation and also a detailed analysis of availability of documents below Publications link. The results of this analysis are mentioned in the conclusion of the thesis. The paper also includes multilingual glossary and resumé in Spanish.
Databáze: OpenAIRE