Potenciál využitelnosti hry geocaching ve výuce zeměpisu na ZŠ se zaměřením na místní region ORP Chotěboř

Autor: ONDRÁČKOVÁ, Tereza
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The main topic of this thesis is the potential usability of Geocaching game in teaching geography at primary school with a focus on local region ORP Chotěboř. The main objective is to create ideas how to incorporate geocaching game in teaching geography (namely, the problems of the local region) on the sample ORP Chotěboř. The theoretical part presents a brief physicalgeographical and sociallygeographical characteristics of the area, along with the basic rules and principles of geocaching game. An integral part of the geocaching game is a setup of teaching of geography on the basis of existing curricula, particularly FEP. At the same time is this part of the work supported by the study of other relevant literature. Practical work includes its own field survey of the area and the subsequent analysis of existing caches in the area of interest. In particular, their thematic focus provides the data for the final chapter of the work, which is aiming to introduce the potential proposals of teaching thematic unit with the help of the local region within the game of geocaching geography lessons at primary school.
Databáze: OpenAIRE