The issue of collection and bone marrow transplantation in pediatric and adult patients

Autor: KONEČNÁ, Martina
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: This thesis aims to provide a closer look at the issue and presentation of a clear summary of information on the issue of bone marrow transplantation via the Review Method and Information Synthesis. The thesis contains a theoretical description of nurse intervention before and after extracting bone marrow from a voluntary donor, as well as a description of nurse´s interventions before and after transplantingextracted hematopoietic cells from a patient suffering from the indicating blood illness. Treating hemato-oncological diseases is a lengthy and very demanding process. It relies in transplanting hematopoietic cells, and it means a great hope to cure the ill person. The transplantation itself is preceded by a long row of examinations, medical and administrative procedures needed to ensure the highest hope of curing the ill patient possible. In the Czech Republic, there are two donor registers cooperating together, based on the principle of all-register international cooperation. Since the moment of graft conversion, the transplanted patient is in a highly risky state. The patient´s living days start to be counted again. Taking care of hematopoietic cell recipients, the patient´s maximal well-being, safety, psychological well-being and most importantly, avoiding possible complications which may significantly slow down or even destroy medical staff´s and the voluntary donor´s efforts to save another person´s life completely, are all necessary focal points of the process. The thesis describes specific procedures of care for patients suffering from different kinds of complications, with regard to the nurses´ work. Because there is a difference in caring and communicating with adult and child patients, one of the subchapters is devoted especially to caring for child oncological patients, and the options of adjusting the communication to their needs and their parents´ needs. To return the patient back to their best life quality possible, it is necessary to follow principles of a healthy lifestyle and correct nutrition principles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE