Vliv technologie chovu na životní projevy skotu

Autor: Bartošová, Petra
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: This Bachelor's thesis is named "The Impact of Rearing Technology on the Cattle Behaviour" and it aims to compare occurrence and frequency of basic daily activities of dairy cows in family farms and factory farms. Ethological observations of behaviour in factory farms was carried out in the Agricultural Society TERRIS Ltd. located in the village of Budětsko. There are Holstein breed dairy cows treated in open stabling with deep litter beds and elevated cattle feeders. The family farm Amalthea Ltd. is the second object of this thesis, this farm is located in the village of Hvozd. In this farm, Jersey breed dairy cows are reared, kept on pasturage all year long. Daily activities such as standing, lying on the right side, lying on the left side, walking, drinking, feeding, urinating, defecation, social behavior and comforting behavior were moni-tored. The observations were done every five minutes on 26th and 27th of August in the factory farm and on 16th and 17th of September in the family farm. According to the observations, the cows reared in the family farm spent 46.14 % of a day eating, that means 15.19% more time than those reared in the factory farm, and they spent 11.73% of the time walking, e.g. 6.73% more than factory reared ones. The diary cows in the factory farms had social interactions during the observations while those in the pasture did not. The stabled cows spent lying 25.96% of the time, 4.56% more than pastured ones. Family farm cows preferred lying on their right side while factory farm cows enjoyed both lying on the right and on the left sides.
Databáze: OpenAIRE