Možnosti využití vyhnilých kalů z městské čistírny k pyrolýze a jejich použití v sorpčních procesech na příkladu kyseliny šťavelové

Autor: PRAŽÁK, Jakub
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: This diploma thesis is focused on sludge management of waste water treatment plants. The research part of the thesis outlines the problems of sludge management in the Czech Republic and also deals with technologies and technical solutions related to the treatment and handling of sewage sludge for various purposes. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes the function of urban wastewater treatment plants and technological methods of wastewater treatment. I also focus on energy utilization of sewage sludge in pyrolysis processes. The result of these pyrolysis processes is called Biochar. Biochar is a carbon thick solid that arises from the pyrolysis of organic materials for application to soil and other uses such as biofuels. The carbon that remains in the solid forms stable aromatic structures that are more resistant to degradation in the natural environment. The mineral ash content of the original organic materials is preserved in the biochart and the volatile constituents of the raw material are lost during the pyrolysis process. In the second part of the work, the prepared and modified samples of the biochar are subjected to the determination of the sorption properties in order to determine whether the biochar is able to transfer the nutrients contained in it to the soil. If the biochar were able to transfer nutrients to the soil without any undesirable side effects, it could very much solve the problem of its future storage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE