Velikost kořenového systému pšenice seté ve vazbě na výnos biomasy

Autor: Němec, Ondřej
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the size of root system on the grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In the literature review, there is a description of the origin and anatomical structure of the root system, the description of the abiotic factors (lack of water, air temperature and mineral nutrition) and their influence on the properties of the root system and also the relationship between the root system size and grain yield of cereals. The second part of the thesis is focused on methods of studying the root system by electrical capacity. The practical part evaluated the size of the root system (RSS) of the selected varieties of wheat sown in the field experiment. The RSS was measured at three growth stages (columning, earing and filling grains) by the method of electric capacity. It was found that there are statistically conclusive differences in the RSS between the varieties of wheat with different baking quality, of which the category B had the largest root system in stem elongation and category C during the grain filling. The influence of the root system size on grain yield was not statistically conclusive, however, the positive correlation between the RSS at the stage of grain filling with grain yield (r=0.433) was detected.
Databáze: OpenAIRE