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The point of my bachelor work about context compliance and level of glukose in the blood of patients with Diabetes mellitus 1. type, was an effort to show, how are exessive glykemy values in context with the actual menu of the patient, his physical activity or any other said fact and with accepted inzulin shots. (in a timescale of five months and three respondents with this disease). The theoretical part of work is built from all around information about diabetes as well as description of its history and appearance worldwide and in czech republic. As next are said specifics about the 1st type of this disease definition, charakteristic, prevention, appearance and diagnostics. Text informs about curing of this type as well as possible complications in hang with wrong way of curing of a person with diabetes. Researchpart is made of three case studies. The method of aquiring the data was anamnestic questionnaire and a diary, in which the respondents weekly wrote important informations conected with the disease. Informations were given by three young adults (up too 25 years) with diabetes mellitus 1. type. The whole time of diary entries took 5 months and 21 complex week entries were chosen. All of the entries containing informations about feeding and optimal energy values were processed in program "Nutriservis Professional". Data including information about glykemy and inzulin input were compared with actuall menus and physical activity of the respondents afterwards. The results of the research are presented in written form, including diagramms of level of glucose in the blood. The first respondent is fullfilling her medical principles (as said). Shes following her diet regime and selfmonitoring and shes aplicating her inzulin properly. The plan of the second respondent was compensated a lot as well. All this given, all of his levels of glykemy arent coliding too much. He follows the curing plan as well. The results of the third respondent show that she is compensating her disease properly. Two last mentioned respondents were not working together very well. |