Velké šelmy na Moravě a jejich vliv na chov hospodářských zvířat

Autor: Dzurja, Jan
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: This work brings an overview of the informations about an occurrence of the large carnivores in our country. Except data from the Czech republic, I have tried to mention a knowledge from the foreign authors about the occurrence of the large carnivores in other european countries. Among other things I have been dealing with a food preferences of the large carnivores in a relation to a livestock. I also focused on the damages done by the large carnivores to the livestock at recent time in the Czech republic and abroad. I have evaluated an influence of the large carnivores to a livestock farming and I mentioned the preventive measures which could reduce the damages done by the large carnivores to the livestock. I have used a lot of czech and foreign professional literature to obtain the necessary informations. To these informations I have added the acquired data from my field monitoring and from my questionnaire. I have found that the large carnivores gradually comes back to a central Europe and to the Czech republic too. With their return there is an increase of the damages in the livestock farming. However in our country these damages are not so high for now. With right use of the preventive measures these damages could be even lower. Unfortunately some farmers do not want to implement the preventive measures even it is dotaded by a state. The farmers have various reasons but certainly there is always especially a problem with a complexity of the process leading to the dotation. The acquired data and the knowledge lead to the clear conclusion. There is a need to educate the farmers and a public about the large carnivores problematics. Also a simplification of the process of getting the dotation on the preventive measures could be helpfull.
Databáze: OpenAIRE