Hiporehabilitace a její možné využití u žáků středních škol

Autor: Divišová, Markéta
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: This bachelor thesis called “The use of hiporehabilitation for students of secondary schools” focuses on how hiporehabilitation helps people with disabilities. The aim of this paper is to determine whether this type of rehabilitation helps with stress management, improves school grades, strengthens social ties, and develops communication skills. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire, which was distributed online. The findings show that hiporehabilitation helps the majority of respondents with stress reduction, to improve school grades and communication, and to create social ties. The outcome of the findings might be used in practice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that hiporehabilitation is beneficial for students of secondary schools. The results may also be the inspiration to doctors when they prescribe the therapy. There is a possibility to improve the life situation of clients in both private and school-based settings. Unfortunately, there are not many sources that would discuss the use of hiporehabilitation in educational sciences. The choice of research questions is based on what seems to be important for better education at school. It is necessary to see the findings as initial information about the topic. The questionnaire respondents were mainly parents. Thus, they are respondents who have a subjective point of view on the questions in the questionnaire. Parents may see the improvement at home and at school. If we wanted In this thesis, there is summarized how hiporehabilitation affects the client and how it improves his school grades. The successful student might be the individual who developed a sufficient attention span and memory, who is among the students that accept him, and who is not stressed because of school. These aspects contribute to overall success and better school results at secondary school.
Databáze: OpenAIRE