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This bachelor thesis deals with the expected role of the supervisor in the social services facility. The aim of this thesis was to map the expected role of supervisor from the perspective of senior social service workers with registered services of special regime homes in South Bohemia. The thesis consists of a theoretical and a research part. The first chapter introduces the context of providing social services in accordance with the current legislation. Special space is dedicated to the social service - "home with a special regime" and its target group. Furthermore, the term "helping professions" and their application in social services are discussed. The second chapter of the theoretical part deals with supervision and its conception in social work. In the section on supervision, this process is defined, goals and functions or types and forms are mentioned, the supervisory contract is also added. The section devoted to the supervisor discusses his / her professional competence and personality assumptions. The last third chapter of the theoretical part presents in detail the evaluation criteria of the supervisor in terms of personality qualities, negotiating a supervision contract, ethical and moral aspects, education and professional assumptions, direct management and supervision management, documentation and communication of acquired knowledge. The empirical part examines the expected role of supervisor from the perspective of executives. The main research question was: "What is the expected role of the supervisor in terms of executives?" The following four research questions have been set to answer the main research question: What personality assumptions influence the quality of the supervisor? What qualities should a supervisor meet professionally in terms of education? What do the formalities of supervision optimally look like? What should supervision output look like? The research was carried out by means of a qualitative research stratégy. To collect data, there was chosen the technique of semi-structured interview with senior social service workers with registered services of special regime homes in the South Bohemian Region. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase was pre-research and the second phase was the research itself. The research sample was compiled using quota selection and consisted of ten informants. The research showed that the communication skills and the ability to empathize with others are positively evaluated in personality assumptions. On the contrary, arrogance, authoritarianism, ridicule, self-centered or impulsive behaviour is undesirable. A male supervisor who has at least a middle age is better accepted. The supervisor should be aware of the fact that he / she has power of supervising and should not deliberately abuse it. In addition, research suggests that if a supervisor is expected to have a proper education, then it should be in the form of a university degree in psychology, social work, andragogy or sociology. Supervisory training is intended to serve the supervisor for higher professionalism and psychotherapeutic training to help him / her work more professionally. It was also found that most of the facilities has a supervisory contract for a period of one year and then mostly prolongs it. In particular, he / she specifies payment terms and confidentiality Furthermore, from the obtained data it can be stated that supervision should be performed every three months in the form of a combination of individual and group supervision. The topics should be primarily working topics, especially at the level of inter-institutional relations. The facility evaluates only the process of supervision and its impact, not the supervisor. The interviews were recorded on a dictaphone, then literally transcribed and processed by the clusthering method. The clusters were then encoded and divided into more general categories. |