The characteristics of Great Crest Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) population in select pond system

Autor: JEŽKOVÁ, Eva
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: The aim of the thesis was the characterictic of breeding population of the Great Crested Grebe on a chosen fishpond system. The research was realised from the 28th of March to the 14th of October in 2011 on the Naděje fishpond systém, specifically on the ponds Víra, Skutek, Láska, Naděje, Dobrá Vůle and Rod. This fishpond system of 15 ponds is situated to the east of the village Frahelž and it´s a part of CHKO Třeboňsko. The data were obtained by regular counting and active searching of nests and measuring their parameters. In 2011 the Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) preferred ponds Víra, Skutek and Láska. There were found 70 nests altogether. On the fishpond Víra were measured 36 nests altogether, on the fishpond Skutek 30 nests and on the fishpond Láska 4 nests. In 2011 57 % of nests were found in the vegetation of lesser reedmace (Typha angustifolia) on the fishponds Víra and Láska and 43% of nests in the vegetations of the great reedmace (Typha latifolia). On a free surface just 2 nests were found. In 2011 235 eggs were found altogether. On the fishpond Víra 112 eggs were found, on the fishpond Skutek 105 eggs and on the fishpond Láska 15 eggs. The parameters of size were measured on 182 eggs altogether.
Databáze: OpenAIRE