Přístup OSN k hrozbě globálního terorismu: Komparace případových studií al-Kájdy a Islámského státu

Autor: Karkulíková, Martina
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: This bachelor thesis is focused on the admission of the United Nations to the imminence of global terrorism. The first part introduces and describes the main definitions and characteristics of terrorist organizations together with current development of individual forms of terrorism. Next part deals with the procedure of evaluation terrorism threats by the United Nations and what kind of tools the United Nations has for a fight against terrorism. The last part is comparison of the case studies of al-Qaeda and Islamic State which describe the activites of terrorist organizations and specific procedures of the United Nations which are evaluated in the last part of this thesis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE