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This particular Bachelor thesis is dealing with the comparison of supporting areas of local action groups (LAGs) of Zlín district. In the first part we will find the litera-ture review which explains the basic terms, such as rural development, and the coaction of actors of rural area. The monitored area is characterized in the relati-on to local action groups. The valorization of MAS activities is based on the analy-sis of supported projects within preferred bisector IV Program of rural develop-ment 2007 to 2013. In the program's season 2007 to 2013 were made 855 projects. From which MAS of Zlín district were mostly focusing on the area of civil facilities, services but least on the area of environment. Based on the detected strategic goals of program's season 2014 to 2020 came to comparison of these two seasons in the matter of thematic areas, which resulted in opposite results. |