A measurement of alpha(s) from the scaling violation in e(+)e(-) annihilation

Autor: Abreu, P Adam, W Adye, T Ajinenko, I Alekseev, GD and Alemany, R Allport, PP Almehed, S Amaldi, U Amato, S and Andreazza, A Andrieux, ML Antilogus, P Apel, WD Asman, B and Augustin, JE Augustinus, A Baillon, P Bambade, P and Barao, F Barbi, M Barbiellini, G Bardin, DY Barker, G and Baroncelli, A Barring, O Barrio, JA Bartl, W Bates, MJ Battaglia, M Baubillier, M Baudot, J Becks, KH and Begalli, M Beilliere, P Belokopytov, Y Benvenuti, AC and Berggren, M Bertini, D Bertrand, D Besancon, M Bianchi, F Bigi, M Bilenky, MS Billoir, P Bizouard, MA Bloch, D Blume, M Bolognese, T Bonesini, M Bonivento, W and Booth, PSL Bosio, C Botner, O Boudinov, E Bouquet, B and Bourdarios, C Bowcock, TJV Bozzo, M Branchini, P Brand, KD Brenke, T Brenner, RA Bricman, C Brown, RCA and Bruckman, P Brunet, JM Bugge, L Buran, T Burgsmueller, T and Buschmann, P Cabrera, S Caccia, M Calvi, M Rozas, AJC Camporesi, T Canale, V Canepa, M Cankocak, K and Cao, F Carena, F Carroll, L Caso, C Gimenez, MVC and Cattai, A Cavallo, FR Chabaud, V Charpentier, P and Chaussard, L Checchia, P Chelkov, GA Chen, M Chierici, R and Chliapnikov, P Chochula, P Chorowicz, V Chudoba, J and Cindro, V Collins, P Contri, R Cortina, E Cosme, G and Cossutti, F Cowell, JH Crawley, HB Crennell, D Crosetti, G Maestro, JC Czellar, S DahlJensen, E Dahm, J and Dalmagne, B Dam, M Damgaard, G Dauncey, PD Davenport, M and DaSilva, W Defoix, C Deghorain, A DellaRicca, G and Delpierre, P Demaria, N DeAngelis, A DeBoer, W and DeBrabandere, S DeClercq, C Delavaissiere, C DeLotto, B and DeMin, A DePaula, L DeSaintJean, C Dijkstra, H and DiCiaccio, L DiDiodato, A Djama, F Djannati, A Dolbeau, J Doroba, K Dracos, M Dress, J Drees, KA Dris, M and Durand, JD Edsall, D Ehret, R Eigen, G Ekelof, T and Ekspong, G Elsing, M Engel, JP Erzen, B Santo, ME and Falk, E Fassouliotis, D Feindt, M Fenyuk, A Ferrer, A and Fichet, S Filippas, TA Firestone, A Fischer, PA and Foeth, H Fokitis, E Fontanelli, F Formenti, F Franek, B and Frenkiel, P Fries, DC Frodesen, AG FuldaQuenzer, F and Fuster, J Galloni, A Gamba, D Gandelman, M Garcia, C and Garcia, J Gaspar, C Gasparini, U Gavillet, P Gazis, EN and Gele, D Gerber, JP Gerdyukov, L Gokieli, R Golob, B and Gopal, G Gorn, L Gorski, M Gouz, Y Gracco, V and Graziani, E Green, C Grefrath, A Gris, P Grosdidier, G and Grzelak, K Gumenyuk, S Gunnarsson, P Gunther, M Guy, J Hahn, F Hahn, S Hajduk, Z Hallgren, A Hamacher, K and Harris, FJ Hedberg, V Henriques, R Hernandez, JJ and Herquet, P Herr, H Hessing, TL Heuser, JM Higon, E and Hilke, HJ Hill, TS Holmgren, SO Holt, PJ Holthuizen, D and Hoorelbeke, S Houlden, M Hrubec, J Huet, K and Hultqvist, K Jackson, JN Jacobsson, R Jalocha, P Janik, R Jarlskog, C Jarlskog, G Jarry, P JeanMarie, B and Johansson, EK Jonsson, L Jonsson, P Joram, C Juillot, P and Kaiser, M Kapusta, F Karafasoulis, K Karlsson, M and Karvelas, E Katsanevas, S Katsoufis, EC Keranen, R and Khokhlov, Y Khomenko, BA Khovanski, NN King, B Kjaer, NJ and Klapp, O Klein, H Klovning, A Kluit, P Koene, B and Kokkinias, P Koratzinos, M Korcyl, K Kostioukhine, V and Kourkoumelis, C Kouznetsov, O Krammer, M Kreuter, C and Kronkvist, I Krumstein, Z Krupinski, W Kubinec, P and Kucewicz, W Kurvinen, K Lacasta, C Laktineh, I Lamsa, JW and Lanceri, L Lane, DW Langefeld, P Lapin, V Laugier, JP Lauhakangas, R Leder, G Ledroit, F Lefebure, V and Legan, CK Leitner, R Lemonne, J Lenzen, G Lepeltier, V and Lesiak, T Libby, J Liko, D Lindner, R Lipniacka, A and Lippi, I Loerstad, B Loken, JG Lopez, JM Loukas, D and Lutz, P Lyons, L MacNaughton, J Maehlum, G Mahon, JR and Maio, A Malmgren, TGM Malychev, V Mandl, F Marco, J and Marco, R Marechal, B Margoni, M Marin, JC Mariotti, C Markou, A MartinezRivero, C MartinezVidal, F Garcia, SM Masik, J Matorras, F Matteuzzi, C Matthiae, G and Mazzucato, M McCubbin, M McKay, R McNulty, R Medbo, J and Merk, M Meroni, C Meyer, S Meyer, WT Miagkov, A and Michelotto, M Migliore, E Mirabito, L Mitaroff, WA and Mjoernmark, U Moa, T 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A Roncagliolo, I Ronchese, P and Roos, L Rosenberg, EI Roudeau, P Rovelli, T and Ruckstuhl, W RuhlmannKleider, V Ruiz, A Rybicki, K and Saarikko, H Sacquin, Y Sadovsky, A Sahr, O Sajot, G and Salt, J Sanchez, J Sannino, M Schimmelpfennig, M and Schneider, H Schwickerath, U Schyns, MAE Sciolla, G and Scuri, F Seager, P Sedykh, Y Segar, AM Seitz, A and Sekulin, R Serbelloni, L Shellard, RC Siegrist, P and Silvestre, R Simonetti, S Simonetto, F Sisakian, AN and Sitar, B Skaali, TB Smadja, G Smirnov, N Smirnova, O and Smith, GR Sosnowski, R SouzaSantos, D Spassov, T and Spiriti, E Sponholz, P Squarcia, S Stampfer, D Stanescu, C Stanic, S Stapnes, S Stavitski, L Stevenson, K and Stocchi, A Strauss, J Strub, R Stugu, B Szczekowski, M and Szeptycka, M Tabarelli, T Tavernet, JP Tchikilev, O and Thomas, J Tilquin, A Timmermans, J Tkatchev, LG Todorov, T Todorova, S Toet, DZ Tomaradze, A Tome, B Tonazzo, A Tortora, L Transtromer, G Treille, D Tristram, G and Trombini, A Troncon, C Tsirou, A Turluer, ML Tyapkin, IA and Tyndel, M Tzamarias, S Ueberschaer, B Ullaland, O and Uvarov, V Valenti, G Vallazza, E VanApeldoorn, GW and VanDam, P VanEldik, J VanLysebetten, A Vassilopoulos, N and Vegni, G Ventura, L Venus, W Verbeure, F Verlato, M and Vertogradov, LS Vilanova, D Vincent, P Vitale, L Vlasov, E Vodopyanov, AS Vrba, V Wahlen, H Walck, C and Weierstall, M Weilhammer, P Weiser, C Wetherell, AM and Wicke, D Wickens, JH Wielers, M Wilkinson, GR Williams, WSC Winter, M Witek, M Wlodek, T Woschnagg, K Yip, K and Yushchenko, O Zach, F Zaitsev, A Zalewska, A and Zalewski, P Zavrtanik, D Zevgolatakos, E Zimin, NI Zito, M Zontar, D Zucchelli, GC Zumerle, G
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Popis: The hadronic fragmentation functions of the various quark flavours and of gluons are measured in a study of the inclusive hadron production from Z(0) decays with the DELPHI detector and are compared with the fragmentation functions measured elsewhere at energies between 14 GeV and 91 GeV. A large scaling violation is observed, which is used to extract the strong coupling constant from a fit using a numerical integration of the second order DGLAP evolution equations. The result is alpha(s)(M-Z) = 0.124(-0.007)(+0.006) (exp) +/- 0.009(theory) where the first error represents the experimental uncertainty and the second error is due to the factorization and renormalization scale dependence. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
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