Autor: Abreu, P Adam, W Adami, F Adye, T Akesson, T and Alekseev, GD Allen, P Almehed, S Alted, F Alvsvaag, SJ and Amaldi, U Anassontzis, E Antilougus, P Apel, WD and Asman, B Astier, P Augustin, JE Augustinus, A Baillon, P and Bambade, P Barao, F Barbiellini, G Bardin, DY and Baroncelli, A Barring, O Bartl, W Bates, MJ Baubillier, M Becks, KH Beeston, CJ Begalli, M Beilliere, P and Belokopytov, I Belous, K Beltran, P Benedic, D Benlloch, JM Berggren, M Bertrand, D Biagi, S Bianchi, F and Bibby, JH Bilenky, MS Billoir, P Bjarne, J Bloch, D and Bogolubov, PN Bolognese, T Bonapart, M Bonesini, M and Booth, PSL Boratav, M Borgeaud, P Borner, H Bosio, C and Botner, O Bonquet, B Bozzo, M Braibant, S Branchini, P and Brand, KD Brenner, RA Bricman, C Brown, RCA Brummer, N Brunet, JM Bugge, L Buran, T Burmeister, H and Buytaert, JAMA Caccia, M Calvi, M Rozas, AJC Campagne, JE Campion, A Camporesi, T Canale, V Cao, F Carroll, L Caso, C Castelli, E Gimenez, MVC Cattai, A and Cavallo, FR Cerrito, L Charpentier, P Checchia, P and Chelkov, GA Chevalier, L Chliapnikov, P Chorowicz, V and Cirio, R Clara, MP Contreras, JL Contri, R Cosme, G and Couchot, F Crawley, HB Crennell, D Crosetti, G Crosland, N Crozon, M Maestro, JC Czellar, S Dagoret, S and Dahl-Jensen, E Dalmagne, B Dam, M Damgaard, G Darbo, G and Daubie, E Dauncey, PD Davenport, M David, P De Angelis, A De Beer, M De Boeck, H De Boer, W De Clercq, C Laso, MDMD De Groot, N De La Vaissiere, C De Lotto, B and Defoix, C Delikaris, D Delorme, S Delpierre, P and Demaria, N Di Ciaccio, L Dijkstra, H Djama, F Dolbeau, J and Doll, O Donszelmann, M Doroba, K Dracos, M Drees, J and Dris, M Dulinski, W Dzhelyadin, R Eek, LO Eerola, PAM Ekelof, T Ekspong, G Engel, JP Falaleev, V and Fassouliotis, D Fenyuk, A Alonso, MF Ferrer, A Filippas, TA Firestone, A Foeth, H Fokitis, E Folegati, P and Fontanelli, F Forsbach, H Franek, B Fransson, KE and Frenkiel, P Fries, DC Frodesen, AG Fruhwirth, R and Fulda-Quenzer, F Furnival, K Furstenau, H Fuster, J and Gago, JM Galeazzi, G Gamba, D Garcia, J Gasparini, U and Gavillet, P Gazis, EN Gerber, JP Giacomelli, P Glitza, KW Gokieli, R Golovatyuk, VM Cadenas, JJGY Goobar, A and Gopal, G Gorski, M Gracco, V Grant, A Grard, F and Graziani, E Gritsaenko, IA Gros, MH Grosdidier, G and Grossetete, B Gumenyuk, S Guy, J Hahn, F Hahn, M and Haider, S Hajduk, Z Hakansson, A Hallgren, A Hamacher, K and De Monchenault, GH Harris, FJ Heck, BW Herbst, I and Hernandez, JJ Herquet, P Herr, H Higon, E Hilke, HJ and Hodgson, SD Hofmokl, T Holmes, R Holmgren, SO and Holthuizen, D Hooper, JE Houlden, M Hrubec, J Hulth, PO and Hultqvist, K Husson, D Hyams, BD Ioannou, P Iversen, PS Jackson, JN Jalocha, P Jarlskog, G Jarry, P and Jean-Marie, B Johansson, EK Johnson, D Jonker, M and Jonsson, L Juillot, P Kalkanis, G Kalmus, G Kantardjian, G Kapusta, F Kapusta, P Katsanevas, S Katsoufis, EC and Keranen, R Kesteman, J Khomenko, BA Khovanski, NN King, B Klein, H Klempt, W Klovning, A Kluit, P Koehne, JH and Koene, B Kokkinias, P Kopf, M Koratzinos, M Korcyl, K Korytov, AV Korzen, B Kostrikov, M Kostukhin, V and Kourkoumelis, C Kreuzberger, T Krolikowski, J and Kruener-Marquis, U Krupinski, W Kucewicz, W Kurvinen, K and Laakso, MI Lambropoulos, C Lamsa, JW Lanceri, L and Lapchine, V Lapin, V Laugier, JP Lauhakangas, R and Laurikainen, P Leder, G Ledroit, F Lemonne, J Lenzen, G and Lepeltier, V Letessier-Selvon, A Lieb, E Lillethun, E and Lindgren, J Lippi, I Llosa, R Loerstad, B Lokajicek, M Loken, JG Aguera, MAL Lopez-Fernandez, A Los, M and Loukas, D Lounis, A Lozano, JJ Lucock, R Lutz, P and Lyons, L Maehlum, G Magnussen, N Maillard, J Maltezos, A and Maltezos, S Mandl, F Marco, J Margoni, M Marin, JC and Markou, A Mathis, L Matorras, F Matteuzzi, C and Matthiae, G Mazzucato, M McCubbin, M McKay, R Mc Nulty, R Menichetti, E Meroni, C Meyer, WT Mitaroff, WA and Mitselmakher, GC Mjoernmark, U Moa, T Moeller, R Moenig, K Monge, MR Morettini, P Mueller, H Muller, H Myatt, G Naraghi, F Nau-Korzen, U Navarria, FL Negri, P and Nielsen, BS Nijjhar, B Nikolaenko, V Obraztsov, V and Olshevski, AG Orava, R Ouraou, A Pain, R Palka, H and Papadopoulou, T Pape, T Passeri, A Pegoraro, M and Perevozchikov, V Pernicka, M Perrotta, A Pimenta, M and Pingot, O Pinsent, A Pol, ME Polok, G Poropat, P and Privitera, P Pullia, A Pyyhtia, J Rademakers, AA and Radojicic, D Ragazzi, S Range, WH Ratoff, PN Read, AL and Redaelli, NG Regler, M Reid, D Renton, PB Resvanis, LK Richard, F Richardson, M Ridky, J Rinaudo, G and Roditi, I Romero, A Ronchese, P Ronjin, V Rosenberg, EI and Rossi, U Rosso, E Roudeau, P Rovelli, T Ruckstuhl, W and Ruhlmann, V Ruiz, A Saarikko, H Sacquin, Y Salt, J and Sanchez, E Sanchez, J Sannino, M Schaeffer, M and Schneider, H Scuri, F Segar, AM Sekulin, R Sessa, M and Sette, G Seufert, R Shellard, RC Siegrist, P Simonetti, S Simonetto, F Sissakian, AN Skaali, TB Skjevling, G and Smadja, G Smith, GR Sosnowski, R Spassoff, TS Spiriti, E and Squarcia, S Staeck, H Stanescu, C Stavropoulos, G and Stichelbaut, F Stocchi, A Strauss, J Strub, R and Stubenrauch, CJ Szczekowski, M Szeptycka, M Szymanski, P and Tavernier, S Tcherniaev, E Theodosiou, G Tilquin, A and Timmermans, J Timofeev, VG Tkatchev, LG Todorov, T Toet, DZ Topphol, AK Tortora, L Trainor, MT Treille, D and Trevisan, U Trischuk, W Tristram, G Troncon, C Tsirou, A and Tsyganov, EN Turala, M Turchetta, R Turluer, ML and Tuuva, T Tyapkin, IA Tyndel, M Tzamarias, S Udo, F and Ueberschaer, S Uvarov, VA Valenti, G Vallazza, E Ferrer, JAV Van Apeldoorn, GW Van Dam, P Van Doninck, WK Van Eijndhoven, N Vander Velde, C Varela, J Vaz, P Vegni, G and Velasco, J Ventura, L Venus, W Verbeure, F and Vertogradov, LS Vibert, L Vilanova, D Vishnevsky, N and Vlasov, EV Vodopyanov, AS Vollmer, M Voulgaris, G and Voutilainen, M Vrba, V Wahlen, H Walck, C Waldner, F and Wayne, M Wehr, A Weilhammer, P Werner, J Wetherell, AM and Wickens, JH Wikne, J Wilkinson, GR Williams, WSC and Winter, M Wormald, D Wormser, G Woschnagg, K Yamdagni, N and Yepes, P Zaitsev, A Zalewska, A Zalewski, P and Zevgolatakos, E Zhang, G Zimin, NI Zitoun, R Funchal, RZ and Zumerle, G Zuniga, J
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1991
Popis: Measurements of the cross section and forward-backward asymmetry for the reaction e+e- –> mu+mu- using the DELPHI detector at LEP are presented. The data come from a scan around the Z0 peak at seven centre of mass energies, giving a sample of 3858 events in the polar angle region 22-degrees < theta < 158-degrees. From a fit to the cross section for 43-degrees < theta < 137-degrees, a polar angle region for which the absolute efficiency has been determined, the square root of the product of the Z0 –> e+e- and Z0 –> mu+mu- partial widths is determined to be (GAMMA-e-GAMMA-mu)1/2 = 85.0 +/- 0.9 (stat.) +/- 0.8 (syst.) MeV. From this measurement of the partial width, the value of the effective weak mixing angle is determined to be sin2(theta-w) = 0.2267 +/- 0.0037. The ratio of the hadronic to muon pair partial widths is found to be GAMMA-h/GAMMA-mu = 19.89 +/- 0.40 (stat.) +/- 0.19 (syst.). The forward-backward asymmetry at the resonance peak energy E(CMS) = 91.22 GeV is found to be A(FB) = 0.028 +/- 0.020 (stat.) +/- 0.005 (syst.). From a combined fit to the cross section and forward-backward asymmetry data, the products of the electron and muon vector and axial-vector coupling constants are determined to be V(e)V-mu = 0.0024 +/- 0.0015 (stat.) +/- 0.0004 (syst.) and A(e)A-mu = 0.253 +/- 0.003 (stat.) +/- 0.003 (syst.). These results are in good agreement with the expectations of the minimal standard model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE