Political socialization theory, research, and application : history and analysis of forty years of the Research Committee on Political Socialization and Education of the International Political Science Association: 1979-2019

Autor: Dekker, Henk, German, Daniel B., De Landtsheer, Christ'l
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Politics, culture & socialization
ISSN: 1866-3427
Popis: The Research Committee on Political Socialization and Education of the International Political Science Association is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year 2019. The RC was recognized by IPSA in 1979 following a solid and successful pioneering phase in the 1960s and ‘70s. The RC flourished with a full board during 40 years, more than fifty RCPSE panels at IPSA World Congresses, more than thirty RCPSE conferences in thirteen countries, more than 60 RCPSE sponsored books, and its RCPSE journal during 27 years. Research highlights include four international comparative political socialization studies and several political socialization panel studies. For more than thirty different political orientations and behaviours it has been investigated whether political socialization contributes to the explanation of the variance therein. Research focused on eight political socialisation agents and about thirty specific political socializers in these domains. Forty years of research has yielded a lot of insights and an auspicious theory development. Some topics deserve much more attention than they have received so far while new political, economic and social developments require a retest of what was discovered about political socialization in the past and a study of the many new ways, forms and contents of political socialization at the present time and in the future.
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