Femme-chamane entre ‘tsaddik’ et ‘quimboiseuse’ : l’interface anthropoétique dans l’œuvre schwarz-bartienne (cycle antillais / ashkénaze)

Autor: Gyssels, Kathleen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Caligrama: Revista de Estudos Românicos
ISSN: 0103-2178
Popis: In the novels of both Andre (1928-2006) and Simone Schwarz-Bart (1938), the anthropological elements are tantamount: from rites of passage (from birth to death), from the rites of naming to the election of spiritual guide and healer, etc. Moreover, between the Black (Antillean) and Jewish (Ashkenaze) diasporic world, a reversibility is at play. The anthropoetic interface clearly manifests the presence of universal motifs, beyond the socio-cultural and ethno-religious divergences. As I have maintained in Marrane et Marronne: la coecriture reversible d'Andre et Simone Schwarz-Bart (GYSSELS, 2014), the crypto-Jewish identity ('marrane", in the sense of being a non-religious Jew, a converted Jew) is linked to the practice of marooning in Afro-Caribbean culture in the sense that the latter is equally marked by acculturation and resistance towards European oppression. Reversibility is consequently plainly illustrated through the magico-religious sphere in both diasporic communities.
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