Modern development trends of higher education of Poland

Autor: Khomenko, Kateryna Pavlivna
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Визначено три періоди розвитку університетської медичної освіти у Польщі: перший (становлення) – 1990–2005 рр., другий (стабілізації) – 2006–2011 рр., третій (модернізації) – 2011–2015 рр. Обґрунтовано періодизацію й виявлені провідні тенденції, принципи та закономірності формування професійної компетентності майбутніх лікарів у Польщі у визначені періоди. Определены три периода развития университетского медицинского образования в Польше: первый (становления) – 1990–2005 гг., второй (стабилизации) – 2006–2011 гг., третий (модернизации) – 2011–2015 гг. Обоснована периодизация и выявлены основные тенденции, принципы и закономерности формирования профессиональной компетентности будущих врачей в Польше в определенные периоды. Based on a retrospective analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and generalization the dynamics is defined of the formation process of professional competence of future physicians in Poland. The three periods of development of the university medical education in Poland are identified: the first (formation), 1990–2005; the second (stabilization), 2006–2011; and the third (modernization), 2011–2015. The periodization is determined and the main trends, principles and laws of professional competence formation of future physicians in Poland in certain periods are revealed. The study defines the major trends in certain periods (structurally-organizational, content-procedural and really-educational), the principles and laws of professional competence formation of future physicians in Poland (the professional competence formation of future physicians depends on the system of admission to higher medical institutions that changes, develops and depends on the changes in the socio-economic circumstances and national priorities; methods, forms and ways of professional competence formation of future physicians are caused naturally by objective and content in a particular situation; during the process of professional competence formation of experts the training, education, development with a self-learning, self-education, and self-development are naturally related; efficiency of formation of professional competence depends on the conditions in which it is carried out and the unity of all the subjects of the educational process in Poland). Development trends of higher education system of Poland are investigated in connection with including of country to European educational space.
Databáze: OpenAIRE