Expérience de la première vague de Covid-19 par les professionnel·le·s de 11 hôpitaux suisses romands [Experience of the first wave of Covid-19 by the professionals of 11 hospitals in French-speaking Switzerland]

Autor: Gilles, I., Perriraz, M., Lesage, S., Rawlinson, C., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I.
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revue medicale suisse, vol. 17, no. 730, pp. 514-517
Popis: During the first wave of Covid-19, hospital professionals had to quickly adapt their practices and introduce several changes in the organization of work and patient care. In this study, we were interested in how these changes were experienced by the professionals of 11 hospitals in French-speaking Switzerland. The results underline the importance of support between colleagues and between services in this crisis, which seems to have been marked by an improvement in interprofessional coordination and collaboration. The support of direct managers also seems to have been crucial but largely dependent on their leadership skills. Respondents emphasized the need for a transparent institutional communication.
Databáze: OpenAIRE