Biomarker analysis of stored blood products: emphasis on pre-analytical issues

Autor: Delobel, J., Rubin, O., Prudent, M., Crettaz, D., Tissot, J.D., Lion, N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 4601-4617
Popis: Millions of blood products are transfused every year; many lives are thus directly concerned by transfusion. The three main labile blood products used in transfusion are erythrocyte concentrates, platelet concentrates and fresh frozen plasma. Each of these products has to be stored according to its particular components. However, during storage, modifications or degradation of those components may occur, and are known as storage lesions. Thus, biomarker discovery of in vivo blood aging as well as in vitro labile blood products storage lesions is of high interest for the transfusion medicine community. Pre-analytical issues are of major importance in analyzing the various blood products during storage conditions as well as according to various protocols that are currently used in blood banks for their preparations. This paper will review key elements that have to be taken into account in the context of proteomic-based biomarker discovery applied to blood banking.
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