Intérêts et nécessité du renfort des soins à domicile dans le cadre des situations de crise psychique - Le résultat d’une politique de santé publique forte [Interests and need for strengthening home care in the context of psychological crisis situations - The result of a strong public health policy]

Autor: Gillès De Pélichy, E., Verloo, H., Gasser, J., Monod, S.
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revue medicale suisse, vol. 16, no. 707, pp. 1741-1744
Popis: With the constant increase in life expectancy and the development of chronic diseases in the elderly population, the General Direction of Health of the Canton of Vaud has developed a community plan to strengthen the care of residents in psychological crisis. This strong position of Public Health has made it possible to carry out an ambitious project, with a view to « care management » in elderly psychiatry, involving partners from the care network and promoting care at the place of residence of the individual. This project made it possible to develop recommendations for the strengthening of local and outpatient care, in order to reduce the systematic recourse to hospitalization, and the increase in functional dependence of the elderly on leaving the hospital.
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