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У статті наведено інформацію щодо етапів розробки і реалізації науково-проектної документації відтворення інтер’єрів Верхнього храму видатного втраченого об’єкта культурної спадщини України – Одеського кафедрального Спасо-Преображенського собору. Собор був одним із найбільш значущих архітектурно-містобудівних і духовних об'єктів Одеси до руйнування у 1936 році. Його відтворення у 1999–2010 роках сприяло формуванню традиційного характеру історичного середовища Соборної площі та відродженню центра структури духовних будівель міста, а відтворення інтер’єрів завершило формування образу головного храму Одеси. The article gives the information concerning the developmental features of the scientific and design documentation for the recreation of the Upper Temple interiors of the outstanding lost cultural heritage object of Ukraine – the Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral. The development of the scientific and design documentation for the recreation of the lost cultural heritage object requires special care not only in the repetition of architectural and planning and spacing solutions, but also ornamental finishing of both the facades of the building and the interiors. All the adopted design decisions should be based on the historical descriptions, measurements, iconographic materials and other reliable sources, collected by a creative team of architects, historians, ethnographers and other specialists. During the process of designing, it is important to understand the role of the object in the memory of citizens, in the structure of the historical development and in the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the city. The Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral was one of the most significant architectural and spiritual objects of Odesa until its destruction in 1936. Its recreation in 1999–2007 contributed to the traditional character formation of the historical environment of Cathedral Square and the structural center of the city spiritual buildings. Not least important task was to recreate the interiors of the lost temple, which would add the impression about this object of architecture and art. There was not the Lower Temple in the Cathedral. So its interiors were designed by us in comparison with the similar objects (analogues), in accordance with the general concept of recreation. The Upper Temple of the Cathedral was a spiritual temple. Its decorative design was reproduced by us in the academic style, according to the existing descriptions and historical photographs (Fig. 1). The ceremonial consecration of the Upper Temple and the Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral took place on July 21, 2010 (Fig. 11). The preservation of the cultural heritage objects and the formation of the traditional nature of the environment in the historic places with the recreation of the lost objects is a priority of the government bodies and institutions of local government of the successful cities with sustainable development. The creation of new tourist trails brings fixed returns to the local budgets. The concept of the recreation of the lost monument includes not only the revival of the historical environment of streets and squares, but also the formation of interiors, without which this process would not be complete. The recreation of the Upper Temple’s interiors according to the historical descriptions and photographs was a creative process. As a result the formation of the image of the Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral was finished. Then it was dedicated in 2010 and became one of the most popular places in Odessa, which is visited by both the citizens and the tourists. |