The comparison of slovenian regional geography in 5th an 9th class in primary school with the application of formative assessment

Autor: Kosem, Alja
Přispěvatelé: Konečnik Kotnik, Eva
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrski nalogi z naslovom Primerjava regionalne geografije Slovenije v 5. in 9. razredu z aplikacijo formativnega spremljanja znanja smo ugotavljali, koliko in katera znanja za pouk regionalne geografije Slovenije pridobijo učenci v 5. razredu pri predmetu družba, kjer v vsebinskem sklopu Ljudje v prostoru obravnavajo regionalno geografijo Slovenije. Ker naj bi se cilji in vsebine v osnovni šoli oz. v procesu izobraževanja vertikalno nadgrajevali s starostjo učencev tudi pri regionalni geografiji Slovenije, smo ugotavljali, koliko in kateri cilji in vsebine regionalne geografije Slovenije se v primerjavi s petim razredom ponovijo in kateri nadgradijo ali razširijo v devetem razredu, ko se ponovno pojavi ta vsebina. Magistrska naloga je lahko v pomoč učiteljem geografije, ki morajo v skladu s teorijo formativnega spremljanja znanja dobro poznati vertikalno grajenost učnih ciljev in vsebin. Še posebej to velja v primerih, kot je regionalna geografija Slovenije, kjer v osnovni šoli pride do konceptualno in vsebinsko (vsaj na videz) podobne obravnave v dveh razredih. V nalogi je predstavljen tudi konkretni primer formativnega spremljanja znanja v okviru obravnavane vsebine. In the master's thesis entitled Regional geography comparison between 5th and 9th grade of primary school with the application of formative monitoring of knowledge, we determined how much and what knowledge for the lessons of regional geography of Slovenia is acquired by pupils of 5th grade in lessons of Social studies, where regional geography of Slovenia is discussed within the content set People in area. Since the goals and contents in primary school or in the educational process are supposed to be vertically upgraded with the children’s age, we determined how many and which goals and contents of regional geography of Slovenia are repeated compared to the 5th grade, and which are upgraded and extended in the 9th grade, when this content reappears. The master’s thesis can help Geography teachers, who, in accordance with the theory of formative monitoring of knowledge, should be well familiar with the vertical progression of learning goals and contents. This especially applies in the case of regional geography of Slovenia, where in primary school there are two conceptually and substantially (at least seemingly) similar treatments in two grades. In the thesis, a concrete example of formative monitoring of knowledge in the context of discussed content is also presented.
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