Floristic composition and ecological characteristics in habitats of Asplenium adulterinum Milde in Slovenia

Autor: Jagodič, Mojca
Přispěvatelé: Škornik, Sonja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Nepravi sršaj, Asplenium adulterinum Milde je redka praprotnica iz družine sršajevk, ki zaradi specifičnih habitatnih zahtev po serpentinitni kamninski podlagi v Sloveniji uspeva le na dveh znanih rastiščih. V Sloveniji je o rastiščih nepravega sršaja in o vitalnosti populacij malo znanega. V naši nalogi smo se želeli seznaniti z vrsto na osnovi literature in raziskav na terenu, preveriti kakšno je stanje populacije, izmeriti abiotske dejavnike na rastiščih in popisati spremljevalne rastlinske vrste. Popisanim vrstam smo poiskali Ellenbergove indikatorske vrednosti in ekološke strategije rastlin ter na podlagi tega sklepali na razmere na rastišču in le te primerjali z meritvami na terenu. Raziskavo smo izvedli na dveh rastiščih nepravega sršaja v Sloveniji v rastni sezoni leta 2015. Spoznali smo, da se je številčnost populacije na enem od rastišč v 12 letih precej zmanjšala, medtem ko je na drugem rastišču število osebkov ostalo približno enako. Ugotovili smo, da sta si izbrani lokaciji med seboj precej podobni po meritvah abiotskih dejavnikov kakor tudi po vrednostih Ellenbergovih indeksov za rastline na rastiščih in njihovih CSR ekoloških strategij, medtem ko je podobnost v vrstni sestavi vegetacije med rastiščema le 52 %. Najbolj vitalne in največje osebke nepravega sršaja smo našli na relativno globokih tleh na mestih z najnižjo izmerjeno temperaturo tal in najvišjim odstotkom vlažnosti. Potrdili smo hipotezo, da vrsta najbolje uspeva na rahlo kislih do nevtralnih tleh. Po pregledu ekoloških strategij spremljevalnih vrst smo ugotovili, da je največ stres tolerantnih vrst (46 %), sledi jim delež kompetitivnih vrst (36 %). Najmanj je ruderalnih vrst značilnih za motena rastišča (18 %). Zaključimo lahko, je stanje populacije na raziskanih rastiščih še vedno precej vitalno, za učinkovito ohranjanje pa bi bilo potrebno dolgoročno spremljanje stanja populacije in morebitnih sprememb abiotskih dejavnikov na rastišču. Ladder spleenwort, Asplenium adulterinum Milde, is a rare fern species from the family of Aspleniaceae. Due to the species’ very specific habitat demands for the serpentinite soil, only two localities of ladder spleenwort are known in Slovenia. Little is known about the species’ growing sites and its population vitality in Slovenia. Through my research, we wanted to gather more information about ladder spleenwort with the help of scientific literature and fieldwork, we wanted to check the species’ population status, measure the abiotic factors on the growing sites and make an inventory of the accompanying plant species. For the listed species, we identified the Ellenberg indicator values and plant CSR ecological strategies, which helped us to make a habitat condition assessment and to compare it to the results of our fieldwork measurements. The research was conducted on two localities of ladder spleenwort in Slovenia in the vegetation season 2015. We observed that, in the last 12 years, the population of this species had decreased substantially on one locality, while it almost had not changed on the other one. We discovered that the chosen locations were quite similar to each other in terms of abiotic factors, as well as in terms of the Ellenberg indicator values and plant CSR ecological strategies for the plants on the growing sites. On the other hand, the two localities showed an only 52-percent similarity in terms of their vegetation structure. The most vital and largest specimens of ladder spleenwort were found in relatively deep soil, in areas where the measured temperature was the lowest and the humidity rate the highest. We confirmed the hypothesis that the species grew best in slightly acidic to pH-neutral soil. After examining the ecological strategies of the accompanying plant species, we found out that the stress tolerators (46 %) were most numerous, followed by the competitors (36 %). The least represented species were ruderals (18 %), which are characteristic of disturbed growing sites. It can be concluded that the population in the explored habitats remains relatively vital. However, an effective plant conservation would require a long-term observation of the population status and of potential abiotic factor changes on its habitats.
Databáze: OpenAIRE