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Nasilje je prisotno v vsaki šoli in z njim se morajo spoprijeti delavci šole. Pomembno je, da se ne slepijo pred nastalim problemom, ampak ga poizkusijo rešiti in preprečiti njegovo ponovitev. Namen diplomske naloge je s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika proučiti, kako se učitelji osnovnih šol spoprijemajo z različnimi oblikami nasilja in tako s pomočjo odgovorov ponuditi izbor različnih načinov za zmanjševanje le-tega oziroma predstaviti boljše rešitve, kot sta umik in ignoriranje. Učitelji včasih ne vedo, kako se spoprijeti z nasiljem, če se le-to pojavi, zato je pomembno sodelovanje celotne šole. Pomembna so tudi dodatna izobraževanja za delavce šole. Vedno več šol, institucij in drugi strokovnjaki izvajajo različne projekte na temo spoprijemanja z nasiljem in tako dajo drugim, ki se s tem ne znajo spoprijeti, različne možnosti in ideje, kako se lotiti reševanja problema. V raziskavi je sodelovalo sto učiteljev iz enajstih šol iz okolice Celja, Maribora, Ljubljane, Črne na Koroškem in Ptuja. Štirinajst učiteljev podatka o regiji, v kateri poučujejo, ni navedlo. Rezultati moje raziskave so pokazali, da so na šolah pri preprečevanju nasilja najbolj uspešni dežurni učitelji, saj se po navadi nasilje dogaja v skritih prostorih oziroma tam, kjer ni prisotne odrasle osebe. Iz odgovorov je bilo možno razbrati, da se učitelji težje spoprimejo z družinskim nasiljem. Dostikrat sploh ne rešijo problema, saj niso prepričani, ali se ta vrsta nasilja sploh dogaja in jih je tako posledično strah reakcije staršev. Tisti pa, ki se s tem spoprimejo, večinoma sodelujejo s šolsko svetovalno službo. Učitelji so tudi mnenja, da na šolah namenijo dovolj časa za pogovor o nasilju in reševanju le-tega in videti je, da pri tem sodeluje celotna šola oziroma si med seboj pomagajo. Bullying is present in each school and employees of the school must cope with it. It is important not to deceive oneself with the problem, but to try to solve it and prevent its repetition. The intention of the diploma work is to research through the questionnaire how the teachers of primary schools cope with different forms of bullying and moreover with the help of answers offer the choice of different ways to decrease bullying or present better solutions as withdrawal and ignorance. The teachers sometimes do not know how to cope with bullying when present, that is why the cooperation of the whole school is important in a great way. Also extra education for the employees of the school is so important. More and more schools, institutions and other experts perform various projects with the title coping with bullying and they offer the ones without the knowledge various ways and ideas how to cope with the problem. 100 teachers from eleven schools cooperated in a research from Celje, Maribor, Ljubljana, Črna na Koroškem and Ptuj. Fourteen teachers did not mention the information of region where they teach. The results of my research have shown that the most successful by preventing the bullying are the teachers on duty, because bullying happens on hidden places or where no adult is present. From the answers it is possible to find out that the teachers find it harder to cope with family bullying. Many times they do not solve the problem, because they are not sure if this form of bullying is actually present and they are afraid of parents’ reactions. The ones who cope with it, mostly cooperate with school social service. The teachers also claim that they devote enough time for discussing the problem of bullying and solving it and it seems the whole school cooperates and they help each other. |