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Namen diplomskega dela je bila raziskava področja o sodobnih mobilnih aplikacijah za motoriste. Opravili smo analizo že obstoječih aplikacij. Analizirali smo le tiste, ki so bile na trgu najbolj uporabljene. Ker so vse aplikacije v angleščini, smo se odločili implementirati svojo mobilno aplikacijo za operacijski sistem Windows Phone. Najprej smo naredili zasnovo ter na podlagi te zasnove implementirali aplikacijo. Poudarek v aplikaciji je bila funkcionalnost beleženja poti ter funkcionalnost CrashAlert. Na koncu smo podali še možne izboljšave za prihodnji razvoj. The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis was to research the field of modern mobile applications for motorcyclists. We analyzed already existing applications. We analyzed only those that were most used in the market. We decided to develop our own application for the Windows Phone operating system because all the existing applications are in English. We first made the design. Basing on this design, we implemented the application. Functionalities that we mostly focused on in the implementation were route tracking and CrashAlert. Finally, we offered possible improvements for future development. |