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V magistrski nalogi sem predstavila odstop od pogodbe o finančnem leasingu. V začetku sem splošno opisala pogodbo o finančnem leasingu, navedla ekonomske razloge za sklenitev pogodbe, ter predstavila značilnosti, po katerih se le-ta ločuje od ostalih pogodbenih tipov. Pogosto namreč praksa finančni leasing enači z določenim, v nacionalni zakonodaji že ustaljenim, pogodbenim tipom, kot je npr. zakupna oz. najemna, prodajna, ali posojilna pogodba, saj naš pravni red zakonske ureditve finančnega leasinga ne pozna. Urejata pa ga Konvencija UNIDROIT o mednarodnem finančnem leasingu, ki ima pomemben vpliv na sodne in arbitražne odločitve, čeprav je Slovenija ni ratificirala in pa Vzorčni zakon UNIDROIT o leasingu. V skladu z Vzorčnim zakonom UNIDROIT o leasingu imamo pri poslu finančnega leasinga opraviti z dvema paralelnima obligacijskima razmerjema, in sicer gre na eni strani za prodajno pogodbo oz. pogodbo o dobavi, ki jo skleneta dobavitelj predmeta leasinga in leasingodajalec kot kupec, in pogodbo o finančnem leasingu na drugi strani, ki jo skleneta leasingodajalec in leasingojemalec, zato sem se v nalogi na kratko dotaknila tudi te tematike. Večji del magistrske naloge pa je namenjen prenehanju pogodbe o finančnem leasingu, pri čemer sem se v okviru prenehanja posvetila predvsem možnosti odstopa od pogodbe o finančnem leasingu. Odstop od pogodbe o finančnem leasingu je oblika izrednega prenehanja pogodbe, ki jo poznamo kot eno izmed oblik prenehanja pogodbenega razmerja, poleg redne oblike prenehanja. Čeprav pogodba o finančnem leasingu v slovenski zakonodaji ni izrecno urejena, je kljub temu dvostranska pogodba, zato je potrebno upoštevati splošna določila Obligacijskega zakonika, kot tudi določila, ki veljajo za posamezne pogodbene tipe, ki se lahko smiselno uporabljajo za pogodbo o finančnem leasingu. V nadaljevanju naloge sem zato poudarila pomembno razliko med Vzročnim zakonom UNIDROIT o leasingu in Konvencijo UNIDROT o mednarodnem finančnem leasingu ter Obligacijskim zakonikom, saj Vzorčni zakon UNIDROIT o leasingu in Konvencija UNIDROIT o mednarodnem finančnem leasingu ne ločujeta med neizpolnitvijo in nepravilno izpolnitvijo pogodbe, kot Obligacijski zakonik, pač pa izhajata iz enotnega pojma kršitve pogodbe, pri čemer le-to delita na bistveno in nebistveno kršitev. Obligacijski zakonik je fleksibilnejši tudi glede možnosti, ki jih ima stranka v primeru, ko nasprotna stranka krši pogodbene obveznosti. Omogoča namreč zahtevo na izpolnitev pogodbe ali pa, kar je v praksi pogosteje, odstop od pogodbe in uveljavitev sankcij, ki sledijo razvezi pogodbe zaradi neizpolnitve. Po Vzorčnem zakonu UNIDROIT o leasingu in Konvenciji UNIDROIT o mednarodnem finančnem leasingu pa je najostrejša sankcija, torej odstop od pogodbe, mogoča le v primeru bistvene kršitve. Torej, v kolikor je kršitev nebistvena, stranka nima možnosti odstopa od pogodbe, kar pomeni, da je načelo po ohranitvi pogodbe v veljavi v mednarodnih pravilih bolj izrazito. V nadaljevanju magistrske naloge sem se naslonila tudi na sam pojem bistvene kršitve, saj Vzorčni zakon UNIDROIT o leasingu in Konvencija UNIDROIT o mednarodnem finančnem leasingu bistvene kršitve ne definirata, lahko pa zasledimo opredelitev pojma bistvene kršitve v konvenciji Združenih narodov o pogodbah o mednarodni prodaji blaga. Predstavila pa sem tudi posamezne situacije, v katerih lahko od pogodbe odstopi leasingodajalec in pa primere v katerih je ta možnost dopuščena leasingojemalcu. Ker je odstop od pogodbe posledica kršitve pogodbenih obveznosti ene izmed strank, ob tem nasprotni stranki nastane škoda, zato sem del naloge namenila tudi tej tematiki. Ob koncu pa sem na kratko opisala še pravne položaje v primeru stečaja leasingojemalca in v primeru leasingodajalca in skozi sodne odločbe skušala prikazati tudi praktični pomen leasinga, predvsem pa skušala prikazati pogled sodne prakse na sam odstop od pogodbe o finančnem leasingu. In my master thesis I presented contract withdrawal on financial leasing. In the introduction I explained general information about financial lease contract, economical reasons for entering the contract are stated and distinctions from other contracts types are made. Slovenian legislation does not regulate financial leasing, therefore in practice one can find it as such under tenancy agreement, contract of sale or loan contract. On other hand, financial leasing is regulated by UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing, which has strong impact on legal decisions by court or arbitrary decisions, although it was not ratified by Republic of Slovenia, and UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing. According to UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing there are two parallel contractual obligations – contract of sale which is agreed between supplier and lessor as buyer on one hand, and contract of financial leasing, which is agrees between lessor and lessee on the other hand. Majority of the master thesis is based on termination of the financial lease contract with emphasis on contract withdrawal. Withdrawal of financial leasing is a form of extraordinary termination of the contract, which is known as one of the forms of termination of the contractual relationship in addition to ordinary forms of termination. Although the contract of financial leasing is not specifically regulated in Slovenian legislation, it is nonetheless a bilateral agreement, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the general provisions of the Code of Obligations, as well as the provisions applicable to the some contractual types, which can also be applied at the contract on financial leasing. Further on I highlighted difference between UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing and UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing and the Code of Obligations, since the UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing and the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing do not distinguish between failure to fulfill the contract and improper fulfillment of the contract like Code of Obligations does, but derive from a single concept of breach of contract, while the latter is parts the essential and unessential violations. Furthermore, Code of Obligations is also more flexible regarding the possibility in the case where counterparty breaches its contractual obligations. It enables the request to complete the contract or, as it is in practice often, withdraw from the contract and enforce penalties following the termination of the contract due to default. Under the UNIDROIT Model Law and the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing the most severe sanction, the withdrawal, is possible only in the event of an essential violation. In the case of unessential violation, the counterparty has no option of withdrawal, which means that the principle to maintain the contract in force in the international rules is more pronounced. In the following master thesis I pointed out the essential violation, since in the UNIDROIT Model Law on Financial Leasing and the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing essential violations is not defined, but can be traced definition of substantial breach of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Particular I presented situation where lessor can withdraw from the contract and cases where this option is left to the lessee. The master thesis covers also contract withdrawal since the contract withdrawal results as the consequence of contract violation where the damage is made to the counterparty. At the end, I briefly described the legal position in the event of bankruptcy of lessee and lessor and through court decision I demonstrated the practical significance of the lease, in particular, the view of the case-law on withdrawal from the contract on financial leasing. |