Process of taking a franchize on an example of the company

Autor: Gerold, Eva
Přispěvatelé: Bradač Hojnik, Barbara
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Skoraj vsakodnevno različna podjetja propadajo, druga pa se odločajo za širitev svojega obstoječega poslovanja. Podjetja se lahko odločajo za različne oblike rasti, in sicer: generična rast, diverzificirana rast, rast s pomočjo nakupa in prodaje licence, rast s pomočjo nakupa in prodaje franšize, rast s pomočjo joint venture poslov, mreženje in podpogodbeništvo, spojitev, pripojitev in prevzem. Diplomski seminar je sestavljen iz dveh delov v prvem delu smo predstavili teoretična spoznanja. Najprej smo spoznali, kaj je franšiza in tako ugotovili, da je ena izmed najbolj poznanih in enostavnih oblik rasti prav rast podjetja s pomočjo franšize. Na ta način se franšizodajalec širi na nove geografske lokacije, medtem ko franšizojemalec kupi pravico do uporabe njegove blagovne znamke. Zanjo plačuje pristojbino, ki se lahko zaračuna od prometa, ali pa se plačuje določen znesek vsak mesec. Prve franšize so se pričele pojavljati že v srednjem veku, takrat so državni uradniki dali višjim cerkvenim uradnikom licenco, da so lahko pobirali davke od državljanov. Oni pa so jim morali v zameno plačati del zbranih prihodkov. Ugotovili smo, da poznamo tudi različne oblike franšiz, kot sta klasična oblika franšizinga in čisti poslovni franšizing. Da neko podjetje sploh lahko postane franšiza, morata franšizodajalec in franšizojemalec podpisati pogodbo, v kateri se dogovorita o posameznih pravicah in obveznostih za obe strani ter o samem trajanju pogodbe. Podjetje postane franšiza takrat, ko obe strani podpišeta omenjeno pogodbo. Franšizing ima,kot vsako drugo poslovanje, določene prednosti in slabosti tako za dajalca kot tudi za jemalca franšize. Obe strani morata natančno preučiti tako prednosti kot tudi slabosti najema franšize. V drugem, praktičnem delu diplomskega seminarja, pa smo predstavili podjetje Okrogelnik d.o.o., ki je majhno družinsko podjetje. V preteklem letu so postali franšiza podjetja TopDom. Najprej smo spoznali temeljne značilnosti in podatke o izbranem podjetju, nato smo proučili njihovo poslovanje v letu 2017, ko podjetje še ni imelo v najemu franšize, in ga primerjali s poslovanjem v letu 2018, ko je le-to najelo. Na ta način smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je podjetje z najemom franšize dejansko uresničilo strategijo rasti ali ne. Nato smo proučevali, kako je v izbranem primeru pravzaprav potekal proces najema franšize, kako so se v podjetju odločili za najem franšize, ter kakšne prednosti in slabosti jim je to prineslo. Meanwhile different companies are failing, other companies decide to spread their businesses. The companies can decide between different growths: generic growth, diversified growth, growth with the help of buying and selling the license, growth with the help of buying and selling the franchise, growth with the help of joint ventura businesses, networking and subcontracting, connecting, acquisition and take over. The graduate seminar is assembled of two parts. The first one represents theoretical cognition. First we recognized what even is franchise and then found out that it is one of the most famous and easy ways the growth of the company with the help of a franchise. That way, a franchisor is s expanding to new geographical locations, while a franchisee buys the right to use his trademark. A franchisee pays fees for the trademark, which can be charged from, traffic, or a certain amount each month. First franchises started appearing in the middle ages, when the government officials gave higher church officials a license so they could take taxes from the citizens. Then they had to pay a certain amount of the money. We found out that there are also different forms of franchises, which are: a classic form of franchising and clean business franchising. The company must sign a contract with the franchisee so they can become a franchise. In the contract the franchisor and the franchisee make agreements about the rights and responsibilities for both sides and also about the duration of the contract. The company becomes a franchise when both sides sign the contract. Of course the franchising, like any other business, represents certain pros and cons, for the franchisee and the franchisor and the franchisee. But of course both sides have to examine both the pros and cons of the downsides of the lease of the franchise. In the second, practical part of the graduate seminar, we represented the company Okrogelnik, d. o. o., which is a small family company. In the last year, they became a franchise of the company TopDom. First we recognized the fundamental characteristics and information about the chosen company, then we examined their business in the year 2017, when the company did not have a franchise yet and compared it to the business in the year 2018, when the company got the franchise. This way, we wanted to figure out, if the company with getting a franchise actually realised the growing strategy or not. Then we examined, how the process of getting a franchise went, how the company decided to get a franchise and what pros and cons this got them.
Databáze: OpenAIRE