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V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno vprašanje na kakšen način deluje propaganda Islamske države, razlogi za njen obstoj in njeni cilji. V prvem delu naloge so prikazani ključni pojmi, kot sta propaganda in terorizem, spoznamo pa tudi medije in moč, ki jo imajo. Prav to pa so trije glavni sestavni deli Islamske države ali natančneje njenega propagandnega aparata. Predstavitvi osnovnih pojmov sledi zgodovinski pogled na območje današnje Sirije in prostor, na katerem deluje ali pa je pred časom delovala sama Islamska država. Skozi zgodovino spoznamo razloge in posledice, zaradi katerih so ljudje na tem območju še dandanes sprti in zaradi česar prihaja do nemirov. Temu sledi pregled razlogov za nastanek Islamske države, kakšna je ideja za nastankom in kam jo to vodi. V sklopu Islamske države je prikazan tudi njen propagandni aparat, ki ji omogoča nastopanje na modernem medijskem nivoju in njegovi cilji in prioritete. Spoznamo tudi njihov način lansiranja novic na Zahod. Za teoretičnim delom je prikaz bolj praktičnega pogleda na propagandni vpliv te države, skozi pogled slovenskih medijev. Spoznamo razlike med podajanjem informacij aktualnih medijev, njihove prioritete in cilje s katerimi vplivajo na svoje bralce. Cilj propagandnega aparata Islamske države je prikazovanje vseh muslimanov kot grožnje zahodnemu svetu in življenju kot ga poznamo. To lahko deluje tudi kot način, s katerim se novačijo novi člani. Skozi pregled slovenskih člankov bomo tako spoznali, do kakšne mere so naši mediji odporni na ta prefinjen način vplivanja na zahodne medije, ki ga prakticira Islamska država. In the thesis ''Islamic State propaganda’’ is presented question of how organised propaganda of Islamic State is, the reasons for its existence and its main goals. In the first part of thesis we discover some crucial terms, such as propaganda, terrorism and media. We find out how powerful those really are and how much influence on our life they have. Those three terms are the bedrock of Islamic State and especially of its propagandic instruments. Representation of crucial concepts is followed by historical overview of Syria and the territory over which Islamic State is spread or either has been over the years of its existence. Historical overview is followed by discoveries of the whole idea and reasons behind Islamic State. In this part of thesis, we also find discoveries about the propaganda apparatus that is being used by Islamic State and their long-term goals. This apparatus enables them to compete with Western media on wider scale throughout their unique technique of announcing news. After theoretical part of the thesis we distinguish differences between currently actual Slovenian media and their way of influencing their audience. Through critical comparison of literature, that shows different angles of the subject we will discover final findings. The main goal of Islamic propaganda is representation of all the Muslims as a threat to western world and its lifestyle. One of the goals of this propaganda is also recruiting new members that could potentially join their forces. Throughout view of Slovenian media reports, we will discuss threats of Islamic State policy and their way of interfering with western media reports and the way they are resistant to them. |