Parking arrangement for the students of the Faculty of organizational sciences, University of Maribor

Autor: Kestner, Maša Kim
Přispěvatelé: Roblek, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu smo se ukvarjali z ureditvijo problematike parkiranja za študente Fakultete za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru. Najprej smo preučili relevantno strokovno literaturo, nato smo analizirali obstoječe stanje, kjer smo izvedli anketo med študenti, da bi ugotovili zadovoljstvo s trenutnimi možnostmi parkiranja. Predlagali smo rešitve, ki so se nam zdele glede na obstoječe razmere primerne. Kot končni predlog ureditve predlagamo postavitev zapornic, asfaltiranje zemljišča ter zaris talnih označb. Pri dimenzioniranju kapacitete parkirišča smo upoštevali tehnične zahteve in normative ter določili maksimalno število parkirnih mest, ki jih na razpoložljivem zemljišču lahko pridobimo. S pomočjo teorije množične strežbe smo nato izračunali kvantitativne kazalnike parkirišča kot sistema strežbe, ki lahko služijo kot osnova za oceno nivoja kakovosti ponujene storitve parkiranja, ter na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov, ocenili ustreznost predlagane rešitve. In this research work, we dealt with the regulation of parking problems for students of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. First, we examined the literature, then summarized the situation and suggested solutions that we thought were appropriate for our specific case and solutions that represent the current supply on the market and generally applicable to similar research. We have reviewed the technical requirements and norms and determined the optimal number of parking spaces for students using survey answers and queueing theory. We proposed entry and exit blockades, asphalting the rest of the parcel, intended for parking and marking parking boxes of the floor. When sizing the capacity of the parking lot, we adhered to the technical requirements and norms and determined the maximum number of parking spaces available on the available space. With the help of queueing theory, we then calculated quantitative parking indicators as a service system that can serve as a basis for assessing the quality level of the parking service provided, and based on the results obtained, evaluated the appropriateness of the proposed solution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE