Autor: Škrjanc, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Maletič, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo opisuje kakovost storitev v podjetju Intesa Sanpaolo Card (ISP Card). Osredotočili smo se predvsem na definiranju storitev, opredelitvi kakovosti, merjenje kakovosti, poročanje in izboljševanje storitev. Del diplomskega dela opisuje glavne tri storitve v podjetju, to so: izdajanje, pridobivanje in storitve dodane vrednosti. V diplomskem delu pa bomo predstavili, kako upravljajo s kakovostjo storitev. Določili so ravni kakovosti storitev, kako nadzirajo storitve ter jih merijo in o njih poročajo. Želeli smo pokazati, da obvladovanje kakovosti vpliva na delo v podjetju, saj s stalnimi izboljšavami dosegajo boljše rezultate. V podjetju ISP Card se zavedajo, da je aktivno upravljanje kakovosti in poročanje zelo pomembno za zagotavljanje vedno boljših storitev. Preverili smo tudi nekatere teorije oziroma dobre prakse, ki pripomorejo k boljši kakovosti poslovanja v podjetju. Z ITIL smernicami, ki zajemajo najboljše prakse na področju upravljanja s storitvami informacijske tehnologije in z ostalimi metodami, kot so 6 Sigma, Vitka proizvodnja in Agile. Na podlagi dosedanjih vpeljanih metod v podjetje ISP Card, lahko ugotovimo, da v podjetju pristopajo k upravljanju storitev na sistematičen in celovit način. V podjetju se zavedajo, da je zadovoljstvo stranke delno zagotovljeno z visoko kakovostnimi storitvami, vendar tudi s korektnim odnosom ter dobrimi internimi procesi s področja upravljanja s storitvami. The thesis examines the quality of services in the company Intesa Sanpaolo Card (ISP Card). Primarily we have focused on identifying the services, defining quality, measuring quality, as well as the reporting and improvement of services. Part of the thesis describes the three main services of the company, which are issuing services, acquiring services and value added services. In this thesis we shall present how they manage the quality of their services. We have established different levels for the quality of their services, defining how the company controls the services as well as how they measure and report them. We wanted to demonstrate that quality control influences the work in the company, since continuous improvements lead to better results. The people at ISP Card are aware of the fact that active quality control and reporting are very important for providing better services. We have also examined some theories or good practices which help improve the quality of the company’s business. We used ITIL guidelines, which cover the best practices for managing information technology services, and other methods, such as Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing and Agile. Based on the methods we have implemented in our analysis of ISP Card, we can conclude that the company approaches the managing of services in a systematic and integrated manner. The company is aware of the fact that customer satisfaction depends on high-quality services but also on a good attitude and good internal processes in service management.
Databáze: OpenAIRE