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Kakovost poslovanja podjetja je ključna za zadovoljstvo kupcev in za dobre poslovne rezultate. V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali analizo vidikov managementa kakovosti v podjetju Flis, d. o. o. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in praktični vidik. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo pojem kakovosti, management celovite kakovosti, model odličnosti EFQM, cilje doseganja kakovosti, funkcionalno kakovost, standarde kakovosti, kakovost kot pogoj za zadovoljstvo kupcev, metodo za analizo kakovosti storitev, družbeno odgovornost podjetja za kakovostno poslovanje. V raziskovalnem delu smo ugotavljali, katere dimenzije kakovosti stranke podjetja Flis, d. o. o., najbolj cenijo in kako ocenjujejo posamezne dimenzije kakovosti, ki jo prejemajo. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Sodelovalo je 60 anketiranih strank. Na podlagi dobljenih ugotovitev in obstoječe strokovne literature smo oblikovali smernice za doseganje višje kakovosti pri prodaji izdelkov. Smernice so predstavljene v dimenzijah, po katerih je bil oblikovan tudi anketni vprašalnik. Te dimenzije so kakovost storitev, zaposleni podjetja, dostopnost in komunikativnost zaposlenih, ugled podjetja, družbena odgovornost podjetja in splošna kakovost. The quality of a company's operations is considered as a key to customer satisfaction and good business results. This diploma thesis addresses the analysis of the aspects of quality management in the company Flis, d. o. o. The diploma thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, the concept of quality, total quality management, the EFQM Excellence Model, the objectives of achieving quality, functional quality, quality standards, quality as a condition for customer satisfaction, the method for the analysis of the service quality as well as the social responsibility of the company are presented. The purpose of the research part was to identify the most relevant quality dimensions from the perspective of the customers of the company Flis, d. o. o. A survey was carried out among the customers of the company Flis, d. o. o. In total, 60 respondents participated in the survey. By means of this empirical study and through examining existing respective literature, the guidelines for further quality improvement are proposed. The guidelines are presented within the framework of the dimensions that were integral part of the survey questionnaire. These dimensions are the quality of the service, employees of the company, the accessibility and communication skills of employees, the reputation of the company, the social responsibility of the company and the overall quality. |